So I have finally committed to not only being a avid blog reader but to also being a avid (hopefully) blog writer. My goal for this blog is to share a little bit of my life, a little bit of my interests, and little of my adventures with Annie ( my dog) and Ben. Hopefully you (my non-existent, soon to be existent, readers) will enjoy, share and contribute to my blogging experience!
They say that if you do something consistently for 30 days that it will become a habit so I am on mission to blog a little something everyday for the next month! I am asking that y'all hold me to it! So without further delay, say hello to my Annie!
(yes she is a girl, but for some reason certain boys....aka Ben... can't resist putting bow ties on her) Still, she is my adorable four-legged baby!
Annie loves her toy. And the snow. And being outside! Having a dog of my own has been quite an adventure. Ben and I adopted Annie right after Thanksgiving and in the past month and a half I have learned quite a lot. A whole lot!!
Ten Things I have learned since adopting Annie. And things you should consider if thinking about getting a dog!
1. I am all about purebred dogs. They are beautiful, yet beauty comes with a price. They cost BIG BUCKS $$$!! Money that was not in my budget to spend on a dog. Plus, there are so many dogs in shelters that need a home. Good dogs, including purebreds, as well as every kind of dog you could imagine. Adoption is the way to go!
2. When we adopted Annie we got her for free. But she didn't stay free for long. Having a dog is making an investment. Food, toys, leashes, collars, shots, vet bills. They all add up. Prepare to spend a good chunk of change on your furry friend.
3. The Vet Bills. Oh the vet bills! Annie's first visit to the vet occurred the day after we got her. Unfortunately coming out of the shelter Annie came with Kennel Cough. Kennel cough is a common occurrence with shelter dogs, and is easily treatable with medication and care. Care comes free. Medication does not- one shot, two prescriptions later Annie was cough free. I was out $60.
The average visit to the vet will cost between $30-60.
4. Having a dog is like having a child. So if you don't like children... don't get a dog! They require patience, lots of love, and lots of attention. Annie is a very active dog. Loves to play. ALL. THE. TIME. She never tires out to our knowledge. I think she accepts the fact at a certain point that we are tired, therefore unwilling to play any more. Weather willing Annie goes to our local dog park every day. We are so fortunate to be so close to a great park that Annie can play in with other dogs and run free since we live in an apartment currently. Thank you to the City of Kennesaw, GA for providing us with
5. Dogs get cabin fever. Annie is a great dog for being adopted. We have only had a few accidents, and very little bad behavior. What I have figured out is that when Annie is bad, it revolves around bad weather. Bad weather means no dog park. No dog park means Annie gets cabin fever. Annie bored results in bad bad bad things. For example... Annie ate my favorite shoes. ATE my shoes. You can't tell they were shoes. Grrr... if I didn't love her already! So make sure when you leave an active dog alone that you put
EVERYTHING away. It is worth the effort.
6. When dogs eat things they aren't supposed to, they usually don't feel good later on. About two days after Annie ate my shoes. She threw up my shoes. At 5:30 in the morning. (Sorry if thats tmi, I'm just being honest)
7. Just because you like to sleep in that doesn't mean your dog will. Annie gets up almost every day at 7. Yes, thats right 7 am. Regardless if its the weekend and we want to sleep in. She will lick us (actually Ben lol) until he takes her out. Then she expects me to get up and feed her. After that, she wants to play. Only if we are lucky and she feels like being nice to us does she go back to sleep after going out.
8. They are great companions. Annie is my little shadow as I call her. When I get ready for work in the morning she hangs out with me. She is great for lying on the couch and watching tv. We have "our time" in the morning when we sit on the couch and watch the news, weather or CMT (usually CMT!) and she curls up in my lap.
9. Even though you get them a doggie bed, they are still going to sleep in your bed. Actually, more like take over the bed and steal your pillow. Annie is a bed hog. She starts out the night in her bed, but once we fall asleep she sneakily climbs in the bed and weasels her way into the middle of the bed.
10. Despite all the craziness of owning a dog, they are worth every penny, every early morning and the chewed up shoes (I can't believe I just said that!) I love having my Annie dog and she has brought great joy to my life. I will proudly say that as Annie's mommy I spoil her rotten. And will continue to do so!